Search Engine Rankings
Most leading search engine vendors routinely change their crawler algorithms, making a fixed methodology applicable to ALL websites for an extended period NOT POSSIBLE.
Every company depends on its website to inform its customers about their unique products and services. Keywords vary in hits depending on the company’s offerings. Therefore site optimization should be tailored accordingly.

Some facts about Search Engine Ranking
Perhaps the most important factor is the popularity of the web page or the site.
Search engine algorithms simply measure popularity based on the number of links to a given page. On the other hand, the number of links to a website often indicates how old the web age is.
The next important factor is the test on the web page: the title of the page and its relevancy to the topic. When displaying search results, search engine algorithms will only consider documents that contain at least one keyword requested, and compare that to the keywords on a web page and the contents of that page. Web page META tags are used by search engine technologies extensively. These tags, therefore, are important for both the organization of the website and search engine rankings.
Search Engine Market Share Worldwide
Among the leading search sites, Google continues to dominate search engine use.
source: Statista 2023
Google is undoubtedly dominating the global search engine market share. Even though Bing and Yahoo! operate as separate websites, they both rely on the Bing
search algorithm. From one perspective, you could look at the search engine market share of Yahoo! as evidence of the company’s brand value.
China’s leading search engine, Baidu, has a market share of 0.54%. Together with Russia’s Yandex at 1.31%, they are also one of the world’s top search engines
and make up the five most popular search engines used across the globe.
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